The Buoys
The Buoys
Great Southern Nights presents

The Buoys

With Special Guest Maia Toakley
Vic on The Park Hotel (Marrickville, NSW)
Friday, 21 March 2025 9:00 pm
42 days away
18 Plus

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The Buoys blasted out of the local DIY scene and in just a few short years unleashed three killer EPs, playing sold-out shows across the country that have earned them a devoted following, and engrained this Sydney based all-woman rock band into Australian music culture. The Buoys themselves are devoted to playing high-octane shows, and as a result have cemented their place as an unmissable live show experience. The Buoys carve out a fresh space in the indie guitar scene, traversing themes of uncertainty to curiosity, disappointment to determination, all through honest lyricism and backed by the weight of meaningful instrumentation, paying homage to the music you know and love, while leaving just enough room to steer their sound into unchartered waters.


Great Southern Nights 2025 takes placefrom 21 March – 6 April 2025 featuring 300+gigs across Sydney and New South Wales.